How to Enable Google Chrome to Always Show Full URLs

I don’t know is there any secret reason that Google developed there Google Chrome app that hides the URL of websites. For example, Google Chrome hides the URL “https://” and “WWW” before the exact domain of the websites, until you should double-click on the URL of websites to show the complete URL. There is no worry the Google also provided the setting or flag for enabling the full URL to your website or other websites. Like before if you searched “” only, but after enabling the flag in Google Chrome you will see “””.

On the other hand, Google Chrome has many other features that even we don’t know any single of them. But after researching on the internet of course you will find your hidden features for Google Chrome. So, let’s enable the feature in Google Chome in order that Google Chrome browser should show “Always Show Full URLs in Google Chrome”.

Enable Google Chrome to Always show full URLs

To enable this hidden feature on Google Chrome that is simple, copy-paste the below commands into your Google Chrome browser search bar and press enter to find the recommended feature page.


When the flags window opened in Google Chrome, on the right-handed of “Context menu show URLs” click on drop-down option to show other options, then select the “Enabled” option.


After selecting the “Enabled” option Google Chrome will require you to restart or “Relaunch” Google Chrome. Relaunch options appear for the reason that if you have any kind of data that currently running on Google Chrome save them. After relaunching Google Chrome, again the same pages will come back.

When the Google Chrome browser relaunched back, right-click on the address bar and select down the option “Always show URLs”.

After searching any website on the Google Chrome browser, you will be able to see the complete URL of that website, like the “WikiKeep” website.

Usually, this experimental feature of Google Chrome is like we force someone to do something. The same the experimental of Google Chrome can be removed at any time, with the upcoming of its updates. I really like this feature of Google Chrome that it should show “Always show the URLs” without doing any extra experimental. Most of the users expect this that Google will bring this feature in the next updates.

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